• Question: What is a subatomic particle

    Asked by simpsonmad99 to Amanda, Ben, Dan, Gary, Samer on 25 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Ben Drumm

      Ben Drumm answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      A particle smaller than an atom e.g. protons and electrons (I feel like the others might give you a better answer!)

    • Photo: Samer Kilani

      Samer Kilani answered on 26 Jun 2013:

      Ben is right, they are particles smaller than the atom and we have many of them. There are also different kinds of subatomic particles. You have *composite* particles like protons and neutrons and you have the smaller *elementary* particles which actually make the composite particles. Quarks and electrons are elementrary particles. For instance, the proton is made if 2 up quarks and 1 down quark. 🙂

    • Photo: Gary Boorman

      Gary Boorman answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      Particles that make up atoms – usually electrons, protons and neutrons.
